Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New York Times article: Cambrian Creatures...

Creatures of Cambrian May Have Lived On

Read this article (see link is below) and look closely at the diagrams and photos included.

Due date: May 31


Monday, February 8, 2010

New York Times Article: Sand due 2/12/10

Read the article linked to below. Also be sure to view 2 additional items on this page (they are both shown on the left side of the page):

(1) Interactive map: The World, Grain by Grain

(2) Audio slide show: Shifting Sand

Due 2/12/10

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Podcast assignment: Energy Resources - Due Feb 1st

The following assignment is due Monday Feb 1st.

As an introduction to energy resources, listen to this podcast that is downloadable for free from iTunes. Download directions:

go to iTunes, then to iTunes Store

You're looking for this podcast: "Earth and Environmental Science" by Christian Shorey, Colorado School of Mines

Search "Christian Shorey" or "Earth and Environmental Science"

you want to download "Lecture 38 - Energy Resources"

If you are unable to get a copy of this lecture on your own, see me before January 22 for a copy on CD.

There will be a quiz on this podcast. Here are some tips:

Your goal should be for a solid understanding of the general ideas and concepts presented in this lecture. I do not expect you to memorize specific details/facts/numbers!

I am most interested in students knowing the pros and cons of each energy resource and the overall point of the lecture.

Personal suggestions: I recommend finding the right situation for podcast listening. Any podcast can be hard to focus upon if there is too much stimuli in the background (TV, computer, texting etc). For me, my attention to lectures such as this is best when I'm actively doing something that involves little thinking, such as cleaning or doing the dishes or folding clothes. You have to find what works best for you. note: I commonly have to rewind a podcast when I realize that my mind has wondered or I have been distracted. You may need to do this as well.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rock Practical is coming! N0 ESRT!

There are 3 new videos on Youtube to help you study. Go to Youtube channel: MisterGazda
There are 3 egg carton videos that walk you through a brief(ish) review of the rocks. The other intro videos may be helpful as well.

Also feel free to come to room 410 before homeroom or after school to utilize the egg cartons and other rocks to review.

Good luck.