Wednesday, January 14, 2009

HW: Ocean Floor article

GIANT KELP Macrocystis pyrifera, which is found along the Pacific Coast of North America.

HW: read the article at the link below and view the slide show "Underwater Discoveries" in the multimedia section (it's on the left margin of the article). I recommend viewing the slide show first - there are some pretty cool pictures there!

Due: HONORS Wed 1/21

Blue and Green classes: Wed 1/21

Mr. Gazda's blog

Posting messages/assignments on both the red class and purple class blogs creates twice the work for me, so here's my "main" blog. I will link to the purple and red class blogs from here.

Caves: Giant gypsum crystals

Here are some of the mind-blowing photos of the huge gypsum (non-metallic, hardness of 2, cleavage) crystals. These are in a cave in Mexico. There was an article on this cave a few months ago in National Geographic and a TV documentary on is as well (called "Giant Crystal Cave" I think.