Tuesday, December 1, 2009

video: Metamorphic Rocks Introduction

View both videos on metamorphic rocks.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Monday, November 30, 2009

video: Sedimentray rocks introduction

I recommend you follow this link to my actual youtube page (http://www.youtube.com/user/MisterGazda) and then watch full screen and in HD. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

HONORS HW: Alaska Glacial Rebound reading

Morgan DeBoer opened a nine-hole golf course, above, at the mouth of Glacier Bay in 1998 on land that did not exist when his family settled in the area 50 years ago.

Glaciers around Juneau are receding 30 feet or more each year.

Read the article below for Tuesday 5/26. It discusses an interesting - and perhaps surprising - consequence of global warming.


Monday, April 6, 2009

HONORS HW: watch this talk for Wed 4/8

The link below is to a talk given by physicist David Deutsch. It is titled What is our place in the cosmos? We aren't on this chapter yet, but we'll be getting to it soon.

Assignment: Watch the first 7 minutes of this talk. The way he presents the utterly HUGE scale of the universe is very cool.



Thursday, February 26, 2009

reading: Montauk Lighthouse due Wed 3/4

For Wed 3/4 you need to read 2 articles: this one on the lighthouse in Montauk, NY and the article in the post below this one about the Grand Canyon.

Montauk Point Lighthouse on the tip of Long Island, NY - built 1796

map of the area - notice where it is located on Long Island

Montauk Lighthouse as viewed from the Atlantic

Montauk Lighthouse erosion:
New York Times
print date: Nov 21, 2006


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Grand Canyon controlled flood: due Wed 3/4

Read this article about controlled flooding of the Grand canyon by Wed 3/4. The link is below.
Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona

Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona

At the Glen Canyon Dam in Page, Ariz., water jetted into the Colorado River on Wednesday to benefit fish in the Grand Canyon

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reading: Beach erosion Due Fri 2/27

From the New York Times: Wealthy Stake $25 Million in a War With the Sea

Read the article on beach erosion by Friday 2/27: Link to article:


Location of Nantucket. Notice the eastern tip of Long Island NY in the lower left portion of the map.

Lighthouse on Nantucket. Notice the steep bluff.

Erosion of the bluff on Nantucket.

Structures near the beach in Siasconset, Mass., are threatened by erosion, including this home in the process of being moved from the bluff’s edge.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

HW: Ocean Floor article

GIANT KELP Macrocystis pyrifera, which is found along the Pacific Coast of North America.

HW: read the article at the link below and view the slide show "Underwater Discoveries" in the multimedia section (it's on the left margin of the article). I recommend viewing the slide show first - there are some pretty cool pictures there!


Due: HONORS Wed 1/21

Blue and Green classes: Wed 1/21

Mr. Gazda's blog

Posting messages/assignments on both the red class and purple class blogs creates twice the work for me, so here's my "main" blog. I will link to the purple and red class blogs from here.

Caves: Giant gypsum crystals

Here are some of the mind-blowing photos of the huge gypsum (non-metallic, hardness of 2, cleavage) crystals. These are in a cave in Mexico. There was an article on this cave a few months ago in National Geographic and a TV documentary on is as well (called "Giant Crystal Cave" I think.